Alexander Ridge Property Data

Apartment Data and Property Reports for Commercial Real Estate Professionals

Yardi Matrix, the real estate market's most complete intelligence platform, offers comprehensive and verified data on all multifamily properties of 50 units or larger across the United States - ownership and management information with contact details, rent and sales history, occupancy rates, loan information, property characteristics, and more.

Alexander Ridge Multifamily Property Details

Alexander Ridge is a multifamily property that was built in 2001. Located at 102 Alexander Drive in Canton - Woodstock, Suburban Atlanta, this property has a total number of 272 units, with the following unit breakdown: One Bedroom, Three Bedroom/Two Bath, Two Bedroom/One Bath, totaling 273,102 SqFt.

Number of Units 272
Total Size 273,102
Address 102 Alexander Drive
Canton, GA 30114
Market Suburban Atlanta
Submarket Canton - Woodstock
Phone Request a demo
Improvements Rating Request a demo
Location Rating Request a demo
Completion Date 2001
Owner Request a demo

Find Out Who Owns Alexander Ridge Property

Commercial real estate professionals and other industry experts rely heavily on market intelligence to boost their businesses – property ownership and management information is a crucial part of that. Use Yardi Matrix to easily find Alexander Ridge’s owner (even when hidden behind an LLC), management information, and other reliable contact information.

Owner/Manager contact details card

Property Unit Breakdown

Get more detailed information about Alexander Ridge, including the property's unit mix, and per-unit and per-square-foot actual rents. Delve into more granular data by benchmarking property performance to similar assets in the local submarket or by selecting a 'custom geography'.

Sales and Loans

Make informed business decisions based on a complete breakdown of Alexander Ridge’s past sales and associated loans: see who sold the property, for how much, if the property has any associated loans – and when they will mature – and much more.

Occupancy History

Gauge the performance of Alexander Ridge with Yardi Matrix’s data on occupancy and compare long-term occupancy rates between prospects and main competitors.

Rental Rate History

Yardi Matrix provides comprehensive information on apartment rental rates for Alexander Ridge and other multifamily properties of 50 units or larger as well as the tools needed to create accurate and exhaustive apartment rental rate comp reports.

Alexander Ridge Property Characteristics

Leave no stone unturned when looking for that perfect property! Yardi Matrix’s reports cover all the Alexander Ridge property characteristics that are needed to help you make the best business decisions – amenities, functional features, services and utilities, and more.

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property characteristics

Yardi Matrix Micro Level Product Offerings

Yardi Matrix also provides you with the most comprehensive data on Alexander Ridge multifamily property, including details on amenities, functional and site characteristics, utilities, and more.

Choose from over 30 customizable property reports and determine the true ownership, get detailed information on property's leased and available spaces, discover the current rental rates, evaluate sales history and loan information, and uncover many other competitive environment insights and property characteristics.

Area Map

Other Multifamily Properties in the Area

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