Q: When did Yardi Matrix begin offering its research services?
A: Phoenix market services, initiated in February, 2001, were followed by expansion of services into markets throughout the Western United States. The company has since expanded to offering services in 180 markets, extending from the Pacific Northwest to the Mid-Atlantic. Company plans include expansion into all major and secondary markets nationally.
Q: What types of services does Yardi Matrix provide to its subscribers?
A: Services are provided to commercial apartment industry participants, extending from the property-level (50+ units in size), through submarket, market, regional, and national levels. A property of particular interest can be accessed, reviewed in context with its competitive environment, attach photographs, property characteristics, and view current operating potential. At the market level a review of current market status, and history of activity, can be efficiently assembled through Yardi Matrix's "transaction engine" format, allowing a user to customize reports in any manner they choose.
Yardi Matrix's customers are commercial apartment industry participants at all levels: Commercial real estate brokers; lenders; third party management companies; institutional owners; private investors; appraisers, and; providers of service to the industry.
Q: What makes Yardi Matrix stand out from its competitors?
A: Yardi Matrix is unique to the market research industry, providing:
- Immediate access to customizable data in a form specific to user needs, searchable in formats supporting an extensive range of user needs. Sale, and new development, information is updated in near real-time.
- Yardi Matrix rates properties, and locations, through its patented, unique only to Yardi Matrix, Context® rating system, allowing discrete selection of property types by a user.
Q: What kind of professionals subscribe to Yardi Matrix?
A: Yardi Matrix subscribers include apartment owners, property managers, investors, commercial real estate brokers, lenders, providers of services to the industry, and securities fiduciaries responsible for market trend analysis and status.
Q: With market and property information available at no cost on the internet today, why would someone subscribe to Yardi Matrix?
A: For accuracy, completeness, and efficiency of use, Yardi Matrix provides information in a form not available from any other source. The company maintains a team of researchers continuously contacting apartment properties. Data critical to commercial apartment industry participants is updated constantly, on-the-fly. Customizable reports, accessing only the specific information desired by a user, support efficient subscriber use at a level beyond any other service.
Q: Is the information provided to a subscriber for a specific area, or does it include national market data?
A: Yardi Matrix offers information concerning specific multi-family properties in 180 markets, extending from the Pacific Northwest, to the Mid-Atlantic. Company plans include expansion into all primary, and secondary, markets nationally.