Our Concessions Survey Format
Status of rental promotional activity in the form of concessions offered to induce rental is assessed three times annually by telephone survey among competitively rented (market/rate) properties of 50 units and larger in size. The survey is taken as if the caller were a renter. Survey periods include: January/February; May/June; September/October. As rental promotions are dynamic - flexible in timing, duration, and depth - survey results illustrate the relative extent of concessions offered on-average during a specific period.
Excluded Properties
Properties operated under a fully/subsidized format for the benefit of low-income households - consequently not subject to rental market dynamics - are not included in the survey.
Included Properties
All market/rate properties of 50 units and larger in size are included in the concessions survey. Partially subsidized properties, in which a portion of low-income households are included in the rental mix, are surveyed for concessions and rental rates.