Tag - Office Market Outlook

Office Market Outlook – July 2022

Life Science Hubs Lead New Office Starts Some 26.5 million square feet of new office space have broken ground year-to-date in June, according to the latest Yardi Matrix...

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Office Market Outlook – June 2022

Office Listing Rates Increase Amid Falling Vacancy The average full-service equivalent listing rate increased by 19 cents from April, reaching $37.56 in May, the latest...

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April 2022 Office Market Trends

Office Pipeline Follows Uneven Trajectory Sun Belt markets rank at the top of the charts in terms of development activity and construction starts, according to the...

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Office Market Report (March 2022)

Listing Rates Rise Amid Stagnating Office Vacancies Although the national average vacancy rate continued to struggle, asking rates were actually up year-over-year...

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